Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


For the purposes of the privacy policy of this website and in accordance with Law 2472/1997, they are understood as:

1) “Personal data” is any information that refers to the data subject.

2) “Sensitive data” is data related to racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, social welfare and love life, related to criminal prosecutions or convictions, as well as participation in associations of persons related to the above.

3) “Data subject” is the natural person to whom the data refer, and whose identity is known or can be ascertained, i.e. can be determined immediately or indirectly, in particular on the basis of an identification number or on the basis of one or more specific elements that characterize his physical, biological, mental, economic, cultural, political or social condition.

4) “Processing of personal data” (“processing”) is any task or series of tasks carried out by the State or by a legal entity under public or private law or an association of persons or a natural person with or without the aid of automated methods and applied to personal data, such as the collection, registration, organization, retention or storage, modification, export, use, transmission, dissemination or any other form of disposal, association or combination, interconnection, binding (lock), deletion, destruction.

5) “File of personal data” (“file”) is any structured set of personal data, which is accessible based on specific criteria.

6) “Controller” is anyone who determines the purpose and manner of processing personal data, such as a natural or legal person, public authority or agency or any other organization. When the purpose and manner of processing are determined by statutory provisions or regulatory provisions of national or Community law, the controller or the specific criteria on the basis of which he is selected are respectively determined by national or Community law.

7) “Third party” is any natural or legal person, public authority or agency, or any other organization, except for the data subject, the controller and the persons authorized to process the personal data, as long as they act under the direct supervision or on behalf of the controller.

8) “Consent” of the data subject is any free, express and specific statement of will, expressed in a clear manner, and with full awareness, and with which the data subject, after being previously informed, accepts to be the subject of processing personal data concerning it. This information includes information at least on the purpose of the processing, the data or categories of data to which the processing concerns, the recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data, as well as the name, brand name and address of the controller and any his representative. Consent can be revoked at any time, without retroactive effect.

9) “Authority” is the Personal Data Protection Authority established in chapter D’ of Law 2472/1997, headquartered in Athens, 1-3 Kifissias Street, P.O. 115 23 and is legally represented.

Collection and processing of personal data
Contact forms are published on the website through which users’ “personal data” are collected with their “consent”. However, such data is not “sensitive” as long as it does not relate to race or national origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, social welfare and love life, criminal prosecutions or convictions, as well as participation in associations of persons related to the above.

The “processing of personal data” (article 2 para. d Law 2472/1997) of the “data subjects” (article 2 para. c Law 2472/1997) is carried out by the person registered as “responsible for processing” (article 2 para. g L. 2472/1997) of these data.

The “data subject” may have access to the data collected through the forms of the website, upon his request, which can be submitted through the contact form of the website (Article 11 § 1 Law 2472/1997). He also has the right to object at any time to the processing of data concerning him. Objections are addressed in writing to the data controller and must contain a request for specific action, such as correction, temporary non-use, blocking, non-transmission or deletion (Article 13 N. 2472/1997).

Modification of terms
The data processor is entitled to modify

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